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President elect, General Muhammadu Buhari has said he is looking forward to meeting the man he beat in last weekend’s presidential polls, Goodluck Jonathan with a view to ensuring a smooth hand over, even as he dedicated his victory to Nigerians.

Speaking at about 5.55am on Wednesday at the APC’s National Secretariat in Abuja, Buhari said he was ready to extend the hand of friendship to others across the political divide and said he hoped they will be ready to reciprocate the gesture.
In the speech, which was broadcast live, the former military head of state was very magnanimous in victory praising President Jonathan for accepting the outcome of the poll and congratulating him.
The retired general insisted that his victory was a victory for Nigerians who had believed in him and voted for change and promised that his government will not let the people down.
Pointing out that the outcome of the polls had shown that Nigeria has finally joined the community of nations where change can be made through the ballot box, he urged supporters to be respectful and peaceful at this time.
“This is not a time for confrontation but a time to heal wounds and work hard for a better future for all Nigerians,” said the president-elect.
Thanking the media and security services for the way and manner they handled themselves during the elections, General Buhari said his government would be looking forward to a robust and constructive engagement with the international community.
The president elect ended the eight minute broadcast by promising a more formal address to the nation later in the day “after I receive my certificate of return from INEC.”
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